We plan to translate the major works of Roger T. Ames安樂哲(born 1947) and Henry Rosemont, Jr.罗思文(born 1936) on Comparative Philosophy and
Confucianism into English. The reason for this is that existing Chinese
translations have been made by translators who do not have a background in
philosophy. Many mistakes in these earlier translations as well as misleading
interpretations make it hard to understand their work at all. Our
retranslations and new editions should solve these two big issues: (1) They
should enable the Chinese readers to properly understand Roger T. Ames’ way of
explaining his methodology of East-West Comparative Philosophy, which has been
achieved and expressed by him in such a beneficial way and with unchallenged
relevance for more than three decennia. (2) An even more important aspect is
that our retranslations should provide the Chinese audience to learn to see the
Chinese tradition of philosophy from the perspective of East-West Comparative
Philosophy. It is of great historical significance to talk about traditional
Chinese culture from this angle of a new kind of comparative standard in
East-West discourse. For translating and publishing these works again, we
therefore have gathered a group of distinguished scholars with a background in
the field of East-West Comparative Philosophy. In our project, the appropriate
method for translation will be used: In this regard, it is most important that
our translators’ proficiency of translating and their mastery of the Western
language here is mainly complemented by a thorough knowledge of the original
Chinese methods of thinking.
Roger T· Ames (Roger T.Ames)
Roger T. Ames was born in 1947 in Toronto,
Canada. As a professor at the University of Hawaii, an advisor to Nishan
Shengyuan Academy, Chairman of the World Association of Confucian Culture
Studies and Vice Chairman of the International Confucian Association, he is an
internationally famous expert in Sinology.
He is a leading figure in Chinese & Western
philosophy and is famous in China and abroad for his translation of books such
as theAnalects of Confucius,Sun
Tzu’s Art of War,Huainan
Tzu andTao
Te Ching He was the Chief Editor toPhilosophy of the Occident and Orientas well as theInternational Chinese Book
Reviewand the author ofConfucian
Philosophical Thinking,Thinking from
the Han: Self, Truth, and Transcendence in Chinese and Western Culture,Anticipating China: Thinking Through the
Narratives of Chinese and Western Culture,the Art of Rulership: A Study into Chinese Political ThoughtandDemocracy if the Dead: Dewey, Confucius and
the Hope for Democracy in China. Roger T. Ames once received the guidance
of Liu Dianjue and became proficient in classical Chinese, then to one of the
most outstanding modern scholars of Classical Studies. In 2013, he was awarded
the "Confucius
Culture Award" by the 6th World Confucian Congress. Then he won the second
"Huilin Prize Award" in 2016.…
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