Chenyang Li is a Professor of Philosophyand Chair of the Department ofPhilosophy at the Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore. His academicarea includes Confucian Philosophy,traditional Chinese culturalissues, Value theory, and comparativeChinese and Western philosophy.His major works include:ConfucianPhilosophy of Harmony(Routledge,2014),The Tao Encounters the West:Explorations in Comparative Philosophy(State University of NewYork Press, 1999),The Sage and theSecond Sex(Open Court, 2000),TheEast Asian Challenge for Democracy:Political Meritocracy in ComparativePerspective (with Daniel Bell, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2013),MoralCultivation and Confucian Character(with Peimin Ni, State University ofNew York Press, 2014), andChineseMetaphysics and its Problems(withFranklin Perkins, Cambridge UniversityPress, 2015). He also publishedover a hundred academic papers invarious professional journals.
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